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    Digital strategy is core for modern communications for both B2B and B2C type of relationship. Achivement of proper communication objectives depends on deep and comprehensive strategy, which involve most effective approaches. Our strategists do monitoring of all digital instruments and their effectiveness permanently. We have dedicated trandwatching team with quaterly reports for our clients to keep them updated with all new trends. Digital strategy often include:

    • detailed TA report and analysis
    • selection of proper digital instruments
    • mediaplanning  
    • content strategy
    • prototyping of WEB pages and applicaions

    TEXT IN ENGLISH Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque consectetur lorem id urna posuere ultricies. Morbi quis porttitor sem. Curabitur aliquam consectetur augue, nec accumsan nisi ullamcorper a. Etiam augue est, convallis nec placerat et, facilisis quis tellus. Morbi et urna id ligula dignissim vulputate sed ac quam. Aenean semper nulla felis. Quisque in diam nulla. Quisque tempor, eros quis tincidunt fermentum, ligula magna ullamcorper nisi, ut cursus nibh nulla eget magna. Donec ullamcorper risus eu sapien fringilla, vel ornare neque dapibus. Morbi neque nisi, volutpat in velit id, pharetra facilisis augue.


    Creative and challenging approach do multiply return on investment from digital campaigns. This fact was proven by hundreds of accomplished campaigns with creative ideas, instead of regular mechanics. SMM, media or integrated campaign always more effective with unique creative approach. Development of creative strategy is part of brand’s digital strategy which should be used in website creation, social media activations etc.


  • SMM & SERM

    We believe that SMM campaigns should be inline with brand's digital strategy and reach specific goals. It can be not only viral marketing or increase of fans involvement but increase of sales. Our team execute SMM campaign for more than 6 years and have experience in crossplatform integrated campaigns for international brands. We love to do SMM campaigns with great user experience and expression.  

    Online reputation is not always depends on brand activities. With SERM service we provide informational support for brand in search engines and mass media. SERM service package is opportunity to monitor all brand mentions online in realtime and immediately react on newsbreaks and reviews.  


    TEXT IN ENGLISH Наиболее важной составляющей digital кампаний является аналитика. Big Data является самым влиятельным трендом последних лет. С помощью специального dashboard мы предлагаем своим клиентам отслеживать все этапы кампании и следить за выполнением KPI в режиме реального времени. Наш ресерч департамент фанат своего дела и с помощью анализа больших массивов информации находит все существенные связи и закономерности на протяжении реализации кампании. 


    TEXT IN ENGLISH Sed posuere urna et magna tempus imperdiet. Pellentesque eget purus congue, tincidunt tortor non, rutrum enim. Morbi tincidunt orci volutpat, tempus nunc nec, vehicula diam. Nulla facilisi. Duis ut lectus lacus. Mauris tincidunt vel orci molestie consequat. Sed auctor pharetra magna id vestibulum. Aenean viverra nibh vel arcu pharetra, ut ornare tortor fringilla. In molestie ullamcorper faucibus. Quisque pharetra, nibh ut fringilla dignissim, mi turpis consectetur turpis, ut luctus elit eros a massa. Sed euismod ante quis nisi sodales molestie. Praesent laoreet ultricies justo, non sollicitudin est convallis ac. Aenean varius tempus felis id laoreet.Sed posuere urna et magna tempus imperdiet. Pellentesque ege